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GNU Guix 1.4.0 released

December 19, 2022 19:54 -0500

A new version of GNU Guix and the Guix System has been published today. GNU Guix is a tool for managing software packages and reproducible software environments for development and production. You can install GNU Guix on any GNU/Linux distribution. The Guix System is a GNU operating system generated with GNU Guix. Currently, GNU Guix provides more than 20,000 packages of libre software and other artifacts for their use in various fields and hobbies.

Cover image for GNU Guix 1.4.0 release.  An anthropomorphic adult green-and-cyan frog closes its eyes for a second while working on a Guix machine and travels to the realm of dreams in space. Smiling from ear to ear, the frog dreams of a day when it will be possible to cruise around space effortlessly on robotic giants with GNU Guix at their core. Behind the frog's back rises a vision of one of such giants, an imposing beast waiting to be set into motion with a simple command.  In the meantime, two young frogs fool around the absorbed one's shoulders. One of them has spotted a bug walking along the dreamer's left arm, heading straight to the Guix machine. Will the little bug make it to the machine? Or will the young one's tongue be faster? Is that the only silly bug jaywalking in plain sight? Or could it be that, in that giant, ...
Graphics, "GNU Guix · A Frog's Dream", by myself. Music: Departure, by Trevor Lentz. Both free cultural works under the licenses CC-BY-SA 4.0 and CC-BY-SA 3.0, respectively.

The following is what, in summary, Guix can do right now, according to the help of its command-line interface:

guix --help
Usage: guix OPTION | COMMAND ARGS...
Run COMMAND with ARGS, if given.

  -h, --help             display this helpful text again and exit
  -V, --version          display version and copyright information and exit

COMMAND must be one of the sub-commands listed below:

  main commands
    deploy        deploy operating systems on a set of machines
    describe      describe the channel revisions currently used
    gc            invoke the garbage collector
    home          build and deploy home environments
    install       install packages
    package       manage packages and profiles
    pull          pull the latest revision of Guix
    remove        remove installed packages
    search        search for packages
    show          show information about packages
    system        build and deploy full operating systems
    time-machine  run commands from a different revision
    upgrade       upgrade packages to their latest version
    weather       report on the availability of pre-built package binaries
    workflow      execute or visualize workflows

  software development commands
    container    run code in containers created by 'guix environment -C'
    environment  spawn one-off software environments (deprecated)
    pack         create application bundles
    shell        spawn one-off software environments

  packaging commands
    build      build packages or derivations without installing them
    challenge  challenge substitute servers, comparing their binaries
    download   download a file to the store and print its hash
    edit       view and edit package definitions
    graph      view and query package dependency graphs
    hash       compute the cryptographic hash of a file
    import     import a package definition from an external repository
    lint       validate package definitions
    publish    publish build results over HTTP
    refresh    update existing package definitions
    size       profile the on-disk size of packages
    style      update the style of package definitions

  plumbing commands
    archive    manipulate, export, and import normalized archives (nars)
    copy       copy store items remotely over SSH
    git        operate on Git repositories
    offload    set up and operate build offloading
    processes  list currently running sessions
    repl       read-eval-print loop (REPL) for interactive programming

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