Appendix B Development

The development of this project happens in a private PMS (Project Management System), but the source files are publicly available in a git repository.

To start working on a new version of the style sheet (say ‘X.Y.Z’):

  1. Add the new version to the PMS.
  2. Report to the issue tracker the work to be done for the new version, such as new features, bugs, proposals, etc.
  3. For each issue reported to the tracker:
    1. Make the necessary changes to the source files.
    2. Test the changes.
    3. Document the changes.
    4. Mention the changes in the version history if they are important (see Version History).
  4. Release version ‘X.Y.Z’:
    1. Update the release date of version ‘X.Y.Z’ in the version history of the documentation (see Version History).
    2. Update online manuals (for all supported languages).
    3. Update the project website (when there is one again).
    4. Tag the latest revision as version ‘vX.Y.Z’. For example: ‘v1.5.2’.
    5. Announce the release to the world.